1. Refresh! 2005: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-128 of 128
Biofeedback and the arts: listening as experimental practice
(2005-10)Since the 1960's biofeedback has been incorporated into cognitive science practice with experimental medical and therapeutic research involving both animal and human subjects. Concurrently, feedback was an important model ... -
ARTS AND APPARATUS - Plea for the Dramatisation of an Interface - In Support of a Dramatics of the Difference
(Intersubjectivity: media metaphors, play & provocation - 6th international Vilém Flusser symposium - Budapest Hungary, 1997-03-15)In the world of metaphors in and around the net, the relation to life has become remarkable central. Biology as a discipline has occupied a leading role. If we look towards the autonomy of the ethics and aesthetics of the ... -
Ambientes Imersivos e participativos
(Brasília: IdA, 2005-09)Ambientes imersivos e participativos nesse texto são espaços que se utilizam do sistema computacional para promover uma ilusão perceptiva e que estimulam os sentidos do visitante através de aparatos multimidiáticos. Nos ... -
After Brunelleschi, after Alberti…
(2004) -
A History of Art in a Science Museum
When the Exploratorium opened in 1969, its founder Frank Oppenheimer challenged the worlds of formal and informal education with a new kind of public learning center. Knowing the power of personal discovery - individual ...