dc.description.abstract | At the outset, the paper will present a selection of research fields and practices of members of RELATE (Research Laboratory for Art and Technology) at Aalborg University. As a newly founded research group, RELATE allows for a fresh look at what and how its researchers approach the field of art and technology. Some have a more theoretical focus on media art, such as aesthetics of participation; others have a more practice-oriented one dealing with artistic, curatorial and technological matters. The interesting point is the observation that both approaches are in need and make use of the other. Practice-based research tackles epistemic conditions expressed by theories, histories, and ideologies. And theoretical development must take into account the current techne of art and technology. This ‘old wine in a new bottle’ and ‘old bottles for new wine’ situation calls for different academic frameworks that are able to harbour, facilitate, and disseminate critical and creative research across cultural-historically formed distinction. The paper will sketch the conceptual and ideological premises for such a framework. | |