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dc.descriptionGerald Nestler is an artist and author who combines theory and postdisciplinary conversation with video, installation, performance, text, code, graphics, sound, and speech. He explores what he terms the "derivative condition" of contemporary social relations and its paradigmatic financial models, operations, narratives and fictions. He is developing an "aesthetics of resolution" that allows the production of counter-fictions and -imaginations as combined artistic, sociopolitical, and technological demonstrations towards "renegade activism." Nestler graduated from the Academy of fine arts Vienna (1992) and subsequently engaged in digital media and early Internet practices. The new economy's Internet boom led him to conduct artistic research as a broker and trader (1994-97) to critically engage with financial markets and economic interests. His artistic work has been shown internationally since the early 2000s. He was awarded the Austrian State Grant for Visual Art (2003) and the Austrian residency grants for Beijing (2008) and New York/ISCP (2016), among many other grants. He has published widely on finance and art, including "Yx," an artist book/reader on finance and economy as fields of artistic research and critique (Schlebruegge.Editor, Vienna, 2007), Kunstforum International issues 200 and 201 on art and economy (co-edited with Dieter Buchhart, 2010) or the reader "Making of Finance" (co-edited with Armen Avanessian, Merve Verlag Berlin, 2015). He is the co-editor of the special issue on Art and Finance of the academic journal Finance and Society (with Suhail Malik, 2016). He holds a practice-based PhD from the Centre for Research Architecture, Goldsmith, University of London.
dc.titleAesthetics of Resolution
dc.contributor.authorNestler, Gerald
dc.description.abstractThe presentation will focus on what Gerald Nestler calls an „Aesthetics of Resolution.“ This conceptual approach is based on the following characteristics: a post-disciplinary approach to conception and practice in which art is the non-disciplinary practice within a larger assemblage of knowledge production; a conception of the figure of the artist that moves from an individual towards a human-nonhuman force field that creates hybrid forms of collective; the (forensic) use of data technologies as distinct forms of “technowledge”; and a turn within contemporary art towards an aesthetics in the field of consequences in which the political is intrinsically built into the artistic-collective endeavour. The talk will exemplify this approach with a project on algorithmic finance that introduces the figure of the renegade as an indispensable expert witness, and will close with an outlook to other fields of investigation.
dc.subjectMedia Art
dc.subjectMedia Art Histories
dc.subjectAlgorithmic Art
dc.subjectAlgorithmic Finance

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